El Beso Cigars is a flourishing family-owned and operated cigar company that was established in 1997. The tradition of hand rolling cigars was passed down to our founder and Master Tobacconist, Gloria Gomez through the matriarchal line of our family. Her passion for crafting high quality cigars can be traced back three generations and began over a century ago in the 1800s in Nicaragua.
Gloria named her cigar shop “El Beso” which translates to “The Kiss” to reflect the poetic relationship between a cigar and their smoker. The reverence for tobacco originated from the indigenous kingdoms that ruled in the Americas, and to this day we source our tobacco from these same regions.
For over 20 years Gloria built El Beso Cigars into the small-batch tobacco factory it is today, passing down her knowledge and secret family blends to the next generation of cigar rollers. The memory of Gloria lives on in the passion and attention to detail that goes into our unique cigars, from the Aromatic to Maduro her legacy and art is alive and well. Our attention to craftsmanship, blend and taste is what sets apart El Beso Cigars from other cigar makers.